
Showing posts from November, 2014

Thanks, Danny

Sketchbook Skool logo designed by Jean-Christopher Defline It started, perhaps in April of 2014, the series of three courses--Beginning, Seeing and Storytelling--offered by Sketchbook Skool,  I read about the program in Danny Gregory's blog.   Danny Gregory must be one of the most beloved artists alive today.  That's what I think anyway. He began sketching after his wife was left paralyzed after an accident in the New York City subway.  He found that it helped him through that difficult time. Now he says it changed his life.  Through sketching he met other artists and traveled around the world. He has created numerous books filled not only with his own drawings as is Every Day Matters  but also with the work of the many artists he came to know and appreciate such as in An Illustrated Life (the first book of his that I purchased) and An Illustrated Journey, another book I'm happy to have on my shelf. Some of the artists from these two books were te...

Materialist Learns Art

So we have a materialistic culture, right?  I mean, in our free time, we go to the mall.  We don't pray or get together with others and vision.  In general, I'm talking.  Of course there are groups that pray and groups that vision.  The dominant culture goes to the mall.  In fact, we think it's patriotic to shop.  It supports the nation's economy  What's up with that? Isn't it a whole lifestyle that continually says "Happiness is outside you." Or,  [Whatever-you-seek] is outside you. And what's the result?  Everybody runs around with an impossible-to-slake HUNGER. No matter how many things I get, how many people entertain me, how extreme is my travel, it is never enough. Many of us are overweight as well. It's that same hunger affecting body and mind. So, when one of us tries to learn art, we're still looking for the secret to OUR great talent OUTSIDE in the art supplies used by the better artist.  If I just have...

Life Drawing Me Forward

Kroeber Hall, U.C. Berkeley home of the Anthropology Department, the Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthroology and rooms for art practice. Encouraged by Sketchbook Skooler Margo Rivera-Weiss, last Saturday I got my 70 year old self to the University of California, Berkeley to Kroeber Hall for a life drawing class. Since the last half of the 1980's when I went to one in Pleasanton, this would be the first. Such classes present an opportunity to draw something quickly, to capture an image fast.  Possibly due to mild brain damage from a birth condition, I've never been fast at anything naturally. Fast is challenging for me.  Wooden art horse seat When I arrived at the class, minutes late rather than wisely early, Margo was  there.  So was Lynn Cohen, another SBS klassmate who came down all the way from Vacaville.  A third, a man from  Sketchbook Skool , admitted to having attended but he did not seek out th...

November Gallery

Selfie from Mirror and Camera. Watercolor, pen & ink. Sanctuary Entryway, OCSL. Watercolor, pen & ink Selfie from Photograph. Graphite. All sketches and paintings - copyright 2014, Aikya Param. On You Go. Watercolor, pen & ink Susana's Yoga Spa After Class. Watercolor, pen & ink. Pepper and Lemon. Watercolor, pen & ink. 1612 Grand Avenue, Alameda. Watercolor, pen, ink Crossroads. Watercolor, pen & ink Contour Sketch with color. Acrylic, pen & ink. Gandhi's Birthday. Watercolor pencil, pen & ink. Jesse's Deer, Watercolor, pen & ink. Tea 4 Me: Marilyn's Teapot. Watercolor, pen &ink   

Jack London Square

Jack London in bronze, 4 PM. We've created a subgroup on Facebook for Sketchbook Skolars who live in the San Francisco East Bay.  It's called East Bay Sketchers.  Our first outing was not the Lindsay Wildlife Museum but Jack London Square in Oakland.  It was a Sunday and probably the last gloriously sunny, warm day for several months. The Square on Sunday boasts a very large, lively Farmer's Market with live music. It was perfect for sketching people since there were so many of them.  We were 7 Sketchbook Skolars plus one friend who has been adopted in spite of never having taken one of the klasses.  The original triumvirate -- Aikya Param (moi) Patricia Robinson Dale Wolfe --were there, of course. We were joined by  (L to R) Lynn Cohen, Aikya Param, Dale Wolfe, Valerie Sauban. Priscilla Reid Lynn Cohen Margo Rivera-Weiss Pat Tong and Dale's friend, Valerie Sauban. It was a first time meeting for all but the original three.  ...