So we have a materialistic culture, right? I mean, in our free time, we go to the mall. We don't pray or get together with others and vision. In general, I'm talking. Of course there are groups that pray and groups that vision. The dominant culture goes to the mall. In fact, we think it's patriotic to shop. It supports the nation's economy What's up with that? Isn't it a whole lifestyle that continually says "Happiness is outside you." Or, [Whatever-you-seek] is outside you. And what's the result? Everybody runs around with an impossible-to-slake HUNGER. No matter how many things I get, how many people entertain me, how extreme is my travel, it is never enough. Many of us are overweight as well. It's that same hunger affecting body and mind. So, when one of us tries to learn art, we're still looking for the secret to OUR great talent OUTSIDE in the art supplies used by the better artist. If I just have...
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