Yule Frogs 2014

In past years, Yule Frogs were stars of Christmas greeting cards.  They did not appear every year either but, when they did, they made me laugh and were well appreciated.  This year, Sandy Guderyon, who has graciously hosted a group of us for more than 6 years for SoulCollege, was so delighted when she heard about Yule Frogs and the possibility of a story featuring them that it pushed me to take my enjoyment of the goofy little guys and try to make a little story.  Enjoy!

Yule Frog 2014, pen and ink, watercolor, watercolor pencil,
Stillman & Birn Alpha 10 X 7 notebook. Cover.

Yule Frog 2014, p. 1.

Yule Frog 2014, p. 2

Yule Frog 2014, p. 3

Yule Frog 2014, p. 4

Yule Frog 2014, p. 5

Yule Frog 2014, p. 6

Yule Frog 2014, p. 7

Yule Frog 2014, p. 8

Yule Frog 2014, p. 9

Yule Frogs 2014, p. 10



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