Dream House

First car sketch of a Victorian in Alameda, CA
        Previous to April 2015, I was well influenced by my naturally talented and New York Art Student's League trained father and whoever taught him there after WWII. Work was much larger surely than my present sketchbook, materials heavy, art mostly done indoors, Oil paint, pastel or charcoal were the media.
        Now I thrive on sketching and painting outdoors in a small book in pen and ink and watercolor.
        I live in a most unromantic apartment building made of cement slabs and I love drawing houses.
John Muir House: First 4 Hours
John Muir House further along.
        Victorian architecture thrills me.  Its details also frustrate me beyond compare. Its many details and odd angles are the very things that draw me to the houses to start out.
John Muir House sketch in progress
        Under my father's watchful eye, as a child, I must have shown a tendency to get stuck trying ot capture detail.  My father's cure was to insist on large work.  My battle with John Muir's House in Martinez, CA may have been the ultimate in recent detail mania.  Since then, I've loosened up, little by little.


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